Congregational Ministries
Usher Board creates a welcoming environment for members and visitors to the Church; ensures that order is kept in the Church during services.
Youth Ministry provides a foundation, mentally, spiritually, and physically, for our Youth at Narrow Way and in the surrounding community in order to become good leaders.
Kitchen Ministry assists the church by organizing and providing refreshments or fellowship meals for special events and activities.
Intercessor Prayer Ministry gathers weekly in pray to God on behalf of others.
Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Music Ministry brings and keeps the spirit of the Lord into the services; trains singers and musicians to sing and play skillfully before God and the congregation with a heart of Praise & Worship.
Women Ministry’s objectives are to glorify God in everything we do, build a close and intimate relationship with God, pray together, increase our prayer life, expand our bible knowledge, and learn to speak more positively to and about one another.
The goal of the Men’s Ministry is to bring men together in unity. Learning together and supporting each other to be men of integrity, honesty, dedication and generosity. Putting God and family first and walking daily in the Word of God.
Missionary Board goes out to make disciples and followers of Christ by sharing the Gospel through outreach efforts and providing relief to the needy.